

The BTS Game Programming and Game Design program is designed to equip students with the essential skills for developing digital games, encompassing both “serious gaming” and “playful” game types. Our comprehensive curriculum lays a strong foundation in diverse programming languages, game design principles, level design techniques, and the application of mathematical and physical concepts to create immersive gaming experiences.

Students engage in a dynamic learning journey that includes a variety of teaching methods such as lectures, tutorials, self-guided study, individual projects, collaborative group projects, cross-course projects, interdisciplinary initiatives, and seminars. In addition to these educational activities, students have the unique opportunity to participate in private and public events, facilitating connections with professionals in the national and international gaming industry.

Course content

Teaching subject
    Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4
Mathematics and Modelisation
  Mathematics and Modelisation 1
  Mathematics 2D 4      
  Visual 2D Design 1,5      
  Modelisation 3D 1 1,5      
Mathematics and Modelisation 2
  Mathematics 3D   4    
  Modelisation 3D 2   1,5    
  Animation   1,5    
  Projects 1
  Individual projects 1 5      
Projects 2
  Group projects 1   5    
  Events 1   1    
Projects 3
  Individual projects 2     4  
  Group projects 2     5  
Projects 4
  Group projects 3       4
  Events 2       1,5
  Programming 1
  Object-oriented programming 1 4      
  Web and mobile programming 1 2      
  Game engine 1 4      
  Database Fundamentals 1 2      
Programming 2
  Object-oriented programming 2   4    
  Web and mobile programming 2   2    
  Game engine 2   4    
  Database Fundamentals 2   2    
Programming 3
  Object-oriented programming 3     3  
  Web and mobile programming 3     2  
  Game engine 3     3  
Programming 4
  Object-oriented programming 4       2
  Web and mobile programming 4       1
  Game Engine 4       2
Game and Level Design
  Game and Level Design 1
  Game culture and history 1 1,5      
  Game and Level Design 1 3      
  User Interface and User Experience 1 1,5      
Game and Level Design 2
  Game culture and history 2   1,5    
  Game and Level Design 2   3    
  User Interface and User Experience 2   1,5    
Game and Level Design 3
  Game culture and history 3     1,5  
  Game and Level Design 3     3  
  User Interface and User Experience 3     1,5  
Game and Level Design 4
  Game culture and history 4       1
  Game and Level Design 4       3
  User Interface and User Experience 4       1
  Business 1
  Project Management 1     2,5  
  Active english 1     2,5  
  Enterpreuneurship 1     2,5  
Business 2
  Project Management 2       1,5
  Active english 2       1,5
  Enterpreuneurship 2       2
  Internship       8


ECTS: European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System

Learning outcomes

Upon completing the BTS Game Programming and Game Design program, graduates will possess a comprehensive skill set that enables them to excel in various facets of the gaming industry. These include:

  1. Game Design Proficiency: Graduates will have the ability to craft engaging games utilizing Game Design and Level Design techniques, drawing inspiration from historical developments in the field.
  2. Advanced Programming Skills: Graduates will be adept at developing large-scale computer applications using cutting-edge programming methodologies.
  3. Transmedia Expertise: Graduates will be capable of conceiving, planning, and implementing the diverse transmedia elements of a game.
  4. Game Engine Proficiency: Graduates will have hands-on experience with different game engines, enabling them to bring game concepts to life.
  5. Scenario Creation: Graduates will be skilled in crafting scenarios for both “serious gaming” and “playful” game types.
  6. Mathematical Problem Solving: Graduates will be proficient in utilizing 2D and 3D mathematics to resolve graphic-related challenges.
  7. Monetization Strategies: Graduates will be equipped to strategize revenue generation using various monetization models.
  8. Business Acumen: Graduates will be knowledgeable about the core activities within a company and possess analytical skills to assess and adapt to new subjects.
  9. Autonomous Learning: Graduates will be self-driven learners, capable of independently exploring and mastering new topics.
  10. English Communication: Graduates will be proficient in communicating effectively in English, a crucial skill in the global gaming industry.

Professional profiles

Upon completion of the BTS Game Programming and Game Design program, graduates will be well-prepared for a variety of professional roles within the dynamic field of digital entertainment. They will possess the skills and knowledge to pursue the following career paths:

  1. Game Developer: Graduates can work as individual developers or collaborate as part of a team, contributing to the creation of video games and interactive applications.
  2. Independent Entrepreneurs: Armed with entrepreneurial skills, graduates have the option to establish their own ventures, whether focused on game development or other computer application domains.
  3. Technical Artist: Graduates can pursue roles as technical artists, acting as intermediaries between artists and programmers during the game development process, ensuring a seamless fusion of artistic and technical elements.
  4. Academic Advancement: The program equips students with the foundational knowledge and skills needed for further academic pursuits in the field of computer game creation. Our strategic partnership with Dundalk Institute of Technology (DKIT) in Ireland offers unique opportunities for international academic collaboration. Graduates have the advantage of a quick admission procedure, allowing them to seamlessly transition to DKIT’s Bachelor program in their third year. This recognition ensures that students do not lose any time in their academic journey, with full credit for courses and modules completed in Luxembourg.