
Q1: Can I register if I have a foreign degree?

A1: In general, enrollment requires a Luxembourgish ‘diplôme de fin d’études secondaires classiques ou secondaires générales’ (the Luxembourgish secondary school degree). Any equivalent degree recognized by the Ministry of Education also allows access to BTS studies. Further information on the recognition of diplomas can be found on the MEN website.


Q2: When will I receive proof of registration?

A2: Proof of registration will only be issued when all the conditions of the final registration are met.



Q3: What languages are used in the BTS?

A3: The BTS Game Programming and Game Design courses are held in English.


Admission Exams:

Q4: What is the purpose of the oral test?

A4: The oral test is used to evaluate whether a student can demonstrate the interest required for the development of video games. The test is not necessarily used to assess language skills.


Q5: Can I obtain an admission exam questionnaire from a previous year?

A5: No, we do not provide admission exam questionnaires from previous years.


Q6: What are the mathematical competencies treated in the MPMAA for the exam?

A6: The reference manual for the MPMAA modules 1 to 4 can be found below.


